Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sick Kiddo

Argh, here we go again! Last weekend, our teenager Tony caught a cold. And, he lovingly passed it to Sean, who mentioned ear pain overnight on Thursday. Sean has a habit of getting ill at the end of a week, forcing me to either run to the doctor on Friday, or end up in urgent care on Saturday. I took him in Friday afternoon, even though he said his ears didn't hurt anymore. His pediatrician said "Oh really, I'm surprised they don't hurt anymore!" His pain tolerance must be increasing, as both ears were infected. We were prescribed refrigerated pink amoxycillin (which happens to be Sean's favorite medicine). Unfortunately, tonight he was itching his eyes and they looked like the start of pink eye. However, I am grateful that we have leftover drops from our family's last bout with pink eye in January when Mitchell, Ron and I all had double pink eyes. Yikes!

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